Cross Validator in Spark Databricks


The CrossValidator is a powerful tool in Apache Spark that helps with model selection and hyperparameter tuning. It automates the process of evaluating different combinations of parameters to find the best performing model.

In Spark Databricks, you can use the CrossValidator class from the ml library to perform cross-validation. Cross-validation is a technique where the dataset is split into multiple subsets called folds. The model is trained on some folds and evaluated on others, iteratively rotating through all possible combinations of training and evaluation sets.

Steps to Use Cross Validator:

  1. Prepare your data: Load and preprocess your data using Spark DataFrame API or other relevant tools.
  2. Create an ML pipeline: Define a sequence of stages including feature transformers, estimators, and evaluators using Pipeline API.
  3. Define parameter grid: Specify a set of hyperparameters for each estimator in your pipeline that you want to explore during cross-validation.
  4. Create an instance of CrossValidator: Set up the number of folds (k) for cross-validation and provide your pipeline along with parameter grid as input to create an instance
    of CrossValidator.
  5. Fit the model: Apply fit method on your dataset using the created instance of CrossValidator. This will train multiple models by iterating over different parameter
  6. Evaluate results: Access various metrics such as accuracy or F1-score obtained from each combination via getEstimatorParamMaps() method provided by


Q: How does CrossValidator help with model selection?

A: CrossValidator automates the process of evaluating different combinations of hyperparameters, allowing you to systematically compare and select the best performing

Q: What is k-fold cross-validation?

A: K-fold cross-validation is a technique where the dataset is divided into k equal-sized folds. The model gets trained on (k-1) folds and evaluated on the remaining fold.
This process is repeated k times, rotating through all possible combinations of training and evaluation sets.

Q: Can I use custom evaluators in CrossValidator?

A: Yes, you can define your own evaluator by extending the abstract class. Custom evaluators can be used to measure specific
metrics or implement domain-specific evaluations.


The CrossValidator in Spark Databricks simplifies model selection and hyperparameter tuning by automatically evaluating multiple combinations of parameters. It helps in finding
an optimal set of hyperparameters for building accurate machine learning models.