How to Use Python Scripts in Databricks


Databricks is a cloud-based platform that provides a collaborative environment for data scientists, analysts, and engineers to work with big data. It offers various tools and features to process and analyze large datasets efficiently. Python is one of the most popular programming languages used for data analysis and machine learning tasks. In Databricks, you can use Python scripts to execute code, create functions, perform computations, manipulate data frames, visualize results, and more.


Q: How do I create a Python script in Databricks?

A: To create a new Python script in Databricks:

  1. Login to your Databricks workspace.
  2. Create or navigate to the desired folder where you want to store the script.
  3. Click on “Create” > “Notebook”.
  4. Select “Python” as the language for the notebook.
  5. You can now start writing your Python code in individual cells within the notebook.

Q: How do I run a Python script in Databricks?

A: To run a Python script in Databricks:

  • Create or open an existing notebook containing your Python code.Edit any necessary parameters or variables within your code if required.
    iSelect each cell containing code that you want to execute by clicking on it.

    Q: Can I import external libraries in Python scripts within Databricks?

    A: Yes, you can import and use various Python libraries in your Databricks notebooks. You can install additional libraries using pip or by specifying the library name in a %pip magic command at the beginning of your notebook.


    Databricks provides a powerful platform for working with big data, and Python scripting is an essential tool for performing data analysis and machine learning tasks. By leveraging Python scripts within Databricks notebooks, you can efficiently process large datasets, build models, visualize results, and more.