com.databricks.spark.csv – BRIEF OVERVIEW

BRIEF OVERVIEW: com.databricks.spark.csv

The com.databricks.spark.csv package is a library for Apache Spark that provides support for reading and writing CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. It allows users to easily work with CSV data in their Spark applications.

This package extends the capabilities of Spark’s DataFrame API by adding methods specifically designed for handling CSV data, such as read() and write(). These methods provide options to customize the behavior of reading and writing operations, including specifying schema inference, delimiter character, header presence, etc.

The com.databricks.spark.csv package is widely used in various industries where CSV files are a common format for storing tabular data. It simplifies the process of working with CSV data in Spark applications by providing a high-level API that abstracts away many low-level details.


Q: How can I read a CSV file using com.databricks.spark.csv?

A: You can use the .read() method provided by this library on an instance of `org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession`. For example:

// Assuming spark is your existing SparkSession
val df ="csv")
                .option("header", "true")

Q: Can I specify custom column names when reading a CSV file?

A: Yes, you can use the .schema() method to define a custom schema while reading the file. Here's an example:

val customSchema = new StructType()
                      .add("column1", StringType, nullable = true)
                      .add("column2", IntegerType, nullable = false)

val df ="csv")

Q: How can I write a DataFrame to a CSV file using com.databricks.spark.csv?

A: You can use the .write() method provided by this library on your DataFrame. For example:

// Assuming df is your existing DataFrame
        .option("header", "true")


The com.databricks.spark.csv package is a useful library for working with CSV data in Apache Spark applications. It simplifies the process of reading and writing CSV files by providing high-level methods that abstract away many low-level details.