Why Can I Not See Visualization on Databricks?


Databricks is a powerful data analytics and processing platform that offers various visualization capabilities to help users analyze and understand their data. However, there can be several reasons why you might not be able to see visualizations on Databricks.


  1. Q: Why am I unable to see visualizations in Databricks?
  2. A: There could be multiple reasons for this issue. Some common causes include:

    • Your browser may not support the visualization technology used by Databricks. Ensure your browser is up-to-date and compatible with the platform.
    • You might have disabled JavaScript in your browser settings. Enable JavaScript as it is required for rendering visualizations.
    • The specific visualization package or library you are using may not be installed or imported correctly in your Databricks notebook. Verify that the necessary dependencies are properly set up.
    • Your dataset or query result may not contain any meaningful data suitable for visualization. Check if your data has appropriate formats and values for the desired type of visualization.


In order to troubleshoot issues related to missing visualizations on Databricks, ensure that your browser supports the required technologies, enable JavaScript, verify proper installation of relevant libraries/packages, and check if your dataset/query results are suitable for visualization purposes.